
Top Ten Reasons to Become Wildly Successful as a Coach

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Coach School

From The Heart

The other day I was leading a class as a faculty member at Coach U. It was in the Core Essentials program, which is where most of us start our journey into becoming a Coach. One of the students asked me, “Who is Thomas Leonard?” and while I can’t say I wasn’t shocked given that Thomas left this world almost 16 years ago, it did make me realize that we need to work to keep his name, his legacy and his work alive.

I didn’t know Thomas personally but I did have the opportunity to hear him teach, deliver workshops and do coaching demonstrations. He was the kind of person who when he spoke you could hear a pin drop other than his voice. He was prolific in his writing and giving that he started Coach U, Coachville and had a hand in the curriculum for the Coach Training Institute, it is fair to say that the basis of education for the coaching profession leans heavily on his work.
Thomas was also one of just a few of the founding members and leaders of the ICF. Just do a quick google search on him and you will see what an amazing influence he had on our profession.

Thomas was famous for his Top Ten Lists. So, in his honor, here is my...

Top Ten Reasons to Become Wildly Successful as a Coach.

  1. You have massive impact on the world by coaching people one-on-one and in groups to think in more positive, proactive ways. There is a huge ripple effect.
  2. You create a life style and a life that you can enjoy while still having a profound impact on the world (I am at home in my yoga pants enjoying the weather on my back patio as I type this).
  3. You call the most amazing growth-oriented people in the world as your friends and colleagues.
  4. You meet the most amazing people who become your clients and develop very strong, very intimate relationships with them.
  5. You earn a fabulous income helping people become more authentic and live more value centered lives.
  6. You continually, personally and professionally grow as a requirement of being a coach.
  7. You make your own schedule. (if you are an independent coach).
  8. You get to choose the people you want to work with as your clients and coach associates.
  9. You become an inspiration for living a valued centered life to everyone around you.
  10. You have a great time at work!!


With love,


Coach School

Upcoming Events

333 (Third Thursday at 3 p.m.) (CLOSED) November 15th, 2018, CoachPath hosts a monthly Q&A Open Mentor Coaching Session with Jille and Dana. Bring your Marketing, Skills and Personal Development topics to our call and ask away. The session will be hosted on Zoom, and we look forward to working with you to move you forward in your development as a Coach.

Just another way for us to give back. Register once at the link above to be on the reminder list each month.

CoachPath Core Competency Connection Group (CLOSED) for Coaches FALL IN LOVE WITH THE CORE COMPETENCIES. Our next session begins Wednesday, January 17 at 9 a.m. ET. This group is for Coaches who are serious about taking their skills to the intermediate and advanced levels, need Mentor Coaching Hours or CCE’s.

Get Clients Now!! (CLOSED) Begins on Thursday, January 24th at 12 p.m. ET. The beginning of the year is a great time to put energy towards building your business. Join Dana for a 7-week business building boot camp. What story to do you want for your business this year? Put the work in and have fun in a supportive environment.

Industry News

Earlier this year, I was privileged to go through the ICF PCC marker training directly from the ICF. This was a gift to me and a benefit of being on the Faculty at Coach U. The training was fantastic and came from the perspective of using the PCC markers to assess PCC level Coaching Skills. I was so excited and happy to participate that I have been asked to be one of the few facilitators of this class for the ICF beginning in 2019. If you would like to be on the list to take this class, please contact [email protected] and they will process your request. By the way, a little birdie told me that the ICF is very close to having 10,000 PCC credential holders. Stay tuned!!! 

 Reflections of Gratitude

I am Grateful For: The Election Is Over!

Being an empath, as I am, and as many of you are, election time can really put a strain on my nervous system. There is a tension that permeates the air like no other time of year. I am thrown off by the energy and I am so grateful that we are done with it for a time. I have an opinion, I voted, I got involved and its all over now.

I am happy to take advantage of the cleaner energy and move my life forward NO MATTER what the political struggle of the day happens to be. So, no matter what your political point of view, let’s pause, take a deep breath and celebrate the end of an election cycle.


Original email date: Nov 2018 / Edition 24

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Here's another Top Ten list to check out: Top 10 Reasons to Join my ACC Mentor Coaching Group