
4 Stages of Significant Positive Life Changes

action steps coaching practice guidepost personal growth


Coach School

From The Heart

While the Guidepost comes a little late for an official HAPPY NEW YEAR, it is still early in this new year, and we are still filled with the vision of what is possible for us this year. Welcome to the fresh beginnings of 2024!

As we head into the New Year, I'm reminded of a powerful concept I wrote down years ago and ran across just hours before I had myself scheduled to write this segment for the Guidepost. The synchronicity in finding this in my Facebook memories today was not surprising, (Those of you who know me well, know that synchronicity is a daily, sometimes hourly occurrence for me) but it was extremely welcome as the message we can embrace for this new year. In fact, for me at least, it feels more relevant than ever.

It all starts by considering the excitement that it is a new year, and anything is possible. What we tend to do is set huge goals, make resolutions and create plans for the success we will achieve this year. That, in and of itself, is not the problem. Big dreams are encouraged in the coaching world. However, the problem is that we set unrealistic goals in pursuit of our dreams. That’s when we need to pump the breaks and take a good hard look at the Four Stages to Significant Life Changes.

So, let's dive deeper into the Four Stages to Significant Life Changes, a roadmap that can guide us through the year with purpose and clarity and without the shame and guilt of not hitting our own milestones.

During the first stage, we Gather Resources. This isn't just about accumulating knowledge or tools; it’s about cultivating resilience, fostering creativity, and nurturing connections. It's about building a strong foundation, not just for our coaching practice but for our personal growth as well. During this phase we can set ourselves up for success by creating a realistic timeline, and an action plan. We can also be sure to have all the tools we need for our journey, and we can take the time to know how to use those tools. Most importantly, when we create our timelines and action plans, we can do ourselves a favor by including things like dental appointments, vacations, relaxation time daily and socialization. We need a life that supports our business and a business that supports our life.

Then and only then we are ready for the second stage, Take Action. This is where dreams start to take shape. It’s about transforming our intentions into tangible steps. This stage is like setting sail on an ocean of possibilities – sure, the waters might get choppy, but that’s where our adventure happens.
Remember, each small step, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is a leap towards our vision and our success. During this second phase, we work, we create, we shape, and we respond. We redo things, we take things up and we throw things out. We move!! It is so important to remember that until we take our plans (our thoughts and feelings) and make them into something they only live in our heads. So, this is the time when we make things real.

During the third stage, we Persist. Persistence through all the action required is the true test of our resolve. It's easy to dream, but to chase those dreams through storms of doubt, hesitance, and setbacks requires a heart of steel and a spirit of fire. In these moments, remember why you started. Think about what it will be like when you are finished and keep moving. Draw strength from your vision and let that be the light guiding you through the fog of uncertainty. The one thing we must never do if we want to manifest our vision is to quit. 100% of the coaches who quit did not succeed as coaches. And every coach I have ever met who is successful, didn’t quit.

The fourth and final stage is Consistency, which is the secret ingredient to lasting change. It's about showing up, day in and day out, even when the initial excitement has faded, because trust me when I tell you IT WILL!!

Consistency transforms extraordinary efforts into everyday habits. It's about making excellence a norm, not an exception. And yes, there might be days when motivation runs low, but remember, consistency isn't about perfection; it's about progression. Progress not Perfection is my motto for this year in fact.
Keep moving forward, make progress and that is ‘perfect enough.’

In 2024, let's not wait for magic solutions or external saviors. We have the power to be the architects of our destiny. Let's MOVE with intention, embrace each stage with courage, and transform our aspirations into realities.

I can’t wait to show you all of my progress this year. It won’t be perfect, but it will be consistent!! I have some really big announcements coming up. I am in the early stages of some and the later stages with others. All in all, it is shaping up to be a big year.

How about you? What timelines do you need to create? What realistic action steps do you want to take? I can’t wait to see your progress.

With Love Jille

P.S. Every step forward, no matter the pace, is a step towards greatness. Keep moving, keep growing. I’ll be there with you.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Upcoming Events

I am excited to announce that I am running my Group Coaching Programs this year. In fact, I already have a powerful group of coaches working toward their PCC in my Elevate to PCC group that started last week.

Check out what is coming up!

For all the details and registration please click the links.

Rise – ACC Certification or Renewal – 2024 Start Dates: April 1st and September 9th

Elevate – PCC – Go from ACC to PCC or learn the new Core Competencies at the PCC level. Next 2024 Date: July 10th.

Soar – MCC – Go from PCC to MCC and complete your journey to mastery. 2024 start dates: March 7th and August 8th.

I am also bringing back LIVE courses!

Accelerated Course Launch Lab – March 5th, 2024, with all the latest and greatest tools and techniques to create and launch an online course.

Marketing with Love – July 16th, 2024. Use your heart to build your business.

Overcoming Your Fear of Technology – September 3rd, 2024. Don’t let technology stop you! It is here to stay.

There are two other courses I am working on that I will share next month. I am so excited about these!! Stay tuned.

Industry News

The coaching industry in 2024 stands at a pivotal point, can you feel it? I can!! This moment in time is characterized by rapid growth, technological integration, and an increasing focus on personalization. While coaching has always been a dynamic sector it is evolving to meet the diverse needs of clients in a fast-paced, digitally connected world.

Current State of the Coaching Industry

The coaching industry has witnessed substantial growth in recent years. Its expansion is fueled by a heightened awareness of the benefits of coaching in personal and professional development. Current trends include:

  1. Personalization: Coaching is increasingly tailored to individual needs, recognizing the unique challenges and goals of each client. The more personal and specific your coaching is, the more people will seek you out. This is a tough one for me, but I am finally starting to catch on!
  2. Technological Integration: The use of AI and other digital tools in coaching is on the rise, enhancing the delivery of services and enabling better tracking of progress. While I have yet to integrate AI directly into my coaching services, I am not resistant to it, just waiting for the right tools. This is why I am offering my Overcoming Your Fear of Technology Course this year!! We all need to get over it and embrace the time we live in and all of its potential.
  3. Diverse Niches: There's a growing trend towards niche specialization in areas such as executive, life, and health. This is similar to personalization, but it is specific to marketing. What exactly do you do and for whom? If you can pin this down, and share it with the world, your clients will find you. This is why I am offering my Marketing with Love Course this year. We have to be able to share what we do with an enthusiastic heart!

Future Trends in Coaching

Looking ahead, the coaching industry is poised to undergo several transformative changes:

  1. Metaverse and Augmented Reality: Emerging technologies like the metaverse and augmented reality are set to redefine the coaching experience, offering immersive and interactive environments for coaching sessions. UGH!
  2. Emphasis on Data-Driven Approaches: The future of coaching lies in data-driven methodologies, where decisions and coaching strategies are informed by real-time data and analytics. UGH UGH!!
  3. Emphasis on Groups and Courses: More groups and courses are on the horizon. Groups and Courses are the most effective way to both bring effective coaching to more people and earn an income that is sustainable and worth the effort of obtaining coaching education. YAY!!

The coaching industry, already experiencing substantial growth, is set to evolve further with technological advancements and a deeper understanding of individual and organizational needs. The future of coaching is bright, but it will be important for us, as the practitioners, to maintain a firm grasp on the trends that affect us and our clients.

Reflections of Gratitude

I am Grateful For: The Coaching Profession

Reflecting on my journey in the coaching profession, my heart is filled with gratitude for the profound impact it has had in the world, one coaching client at a time. As a coach, I have had the privilege of being a witness to the transformative power of coaching in the lives of individuals, their businesses and communities.

I am deeply thankful for the opportunity coaching has given me to impact my clients to grow, change, and be personally empowered. Each session is more than a meeting; it's a chance to inspire, challenge, and support. The trust my clients place in me, and the brave steps they take towards their goals, are constant reminders of the meaningful role coaching plays in their lives.

In a world filled with challenges, coaching stands as a beacon of hope and progress. It's not just about achieving goals; it's about nurturing resilience, fostering well-being, and empowering individuals to make a positive impact on everything and everyone around them.

I am grateful for the shared experiences with my clients, for the moments of breakthrough and clarity, and for the privilege of being part of their journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment. Success stories, the overcoming of obstacles, and even the learning that comes from setbacks, all contribute to a richer, more meaningful coaching experience.

The coaching profession is not just a career; it's a calling to make a difference, one conversation at a time. It is about creating ripples of positive change that extend far beyond the coaching space. I am honored to be part of this incredible community of coaches, dedicated to lifting others and contributing to a world where growth, development, and positive change are accessible to all.

To all my coaching colleagues, your passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to fostering positive change are the heartbeat of this profession. Together, we are shaping a brighter, more resilient future, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

With Love, Jille

P.S. I am also extremely grateful to be able to work from the comfort and convenience of my home office. This has been a huge benefit that the coaching profession allows.

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